Today after playing with the free host blog ,(wordpress and blogger) for about a month or more ,I am thinking of changing a new wordpress and host on it own, Any suggestion or recommendation .
I will register 1to 2 domain name.
Prefer to have Site Builder tools for my sub domain web page.
Prefer support wordpress installation. As most likely, I will be using wordpress as my primary blog.
Any suggestion on which type of wordpress themes to use.
With mail box
Your suggestion and recommendation is much appreciated
Hi I would like to know the answer as well. Share with me if you discover it. Thanks.
btw, forget to mention to you. If you are not planning to register domain, u can use my domain to hold wordpress blog. Is up to u. Cheers.
I Think
Hostmonster is very good choice for you
PowWeb also good alternate
but can I ask something
Why you like wordpress more than blogger? (can wordpress use AdSense?)
Hi. I have used a blog hosted by, a blog hosted by and a self-hosted wordpress blog.
Out of the three, I have chosen, though I now use my own domain ( IMHO, I feel it is much easier to use and manipulate (editing HTML and layout). It is much more flexible, and although it doesn't automatically offer 3-column blogs, it is still achievable (as you have done so).
Just my 2 cents, I admire your site. =)
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