How to get free traffic to your blog
Yesterday evening I was at the seminar conducted by Alvin Phang
About how to get traffic or automatic drive traffic to your site.By using these Atomatic blogging software or Atomic blogging software
How to get Repeat visitors, he has share with us many ways and most are free. Below is one of the techniques he shares with us.
This post is a way I want to say Thank you to him.
- Viral social bookmarking
- Viral linking
- SEO-friendly links (from social bookmarking sites)
- SEO-friendly links elsewhere (as a result of links on social bookmarking sites) Now let's look at what steps you, as a blogger, you can increase your website's benefits from social bookmarking.
MAKE IT EASY for your visitors to social bookmark your website. This means offering them as many options as possible. You might want to use a multi-bookmarking service, It also means making the bookmarking links easy to find, usually at the top of the page or at the base of an article.
BOOKMARK YOUR PAGES yourself. Yes, this means signing up for accounts at several bookmarking services. Choose as many or as few as you wish, but remember that when it comes to marketing your website, the more venues the better. Do I have to remind you to call your mother? This would be an excellent time..."Hi mom, How are you doing? Yes, I know it's been a the way, do you Digg?" Don't be shy; ask family and friends to social bookmark your pages, too.
SWAP BOOKMARKS with others who also want their pages bookmarked. For instance, if you search Google for " Bookmarketer ", you will find other websites that are actively courting social bookmarks. All you have to do is offer to bookmark some of their pages if they bookmark some of yours. It's a lot like a link exchange, except that it plays out on other websites. Now some social bookmarkers look askance at such joint ventures, and some even think that webmasters should not be promoting their websites at all.
PARTICIPATE in the social bookmarking site. There are some services that don't feature much participation; others are very participatory. Where you have the option, develop a large friend's list, so that you can easily share bookmarks. Bookmark, tag or comment on others' bookmarks. Being a good citizen gives a person credibility in the community...even the online community.
BOOKMARK OTHER PAGES that already link to your website. Don't just bookmark your own pages; bookmark those that link to yours. Choose especially pages that are relevant, that do not compete directly with yours and that list very few of your competitors. Let's face it, if traffic to all those pages goes up, so does traffic to your website. And if link value goes up to all those pages, so does link-value to your website.
IF YOU HAVE A LIST, ask them to bookmark any new page on your website that you want to generate traffic to. And speaking of new pages...
HAVE OUTSTANDING CONTENT. If your content doesn't stand out, the best you can do is your own contrived bookmarking. Sure, that can help, but it's nothing compared to the power of thousands of people bookmarking your web pages because they think it's just awesome! All the social bookmarking and SEO tactics you employ can massively help to market your website, but without great content your chances of success are pretty slim. Put up the content, make it easy for people to social bookmark your website, bookmark some of your own pages and encourage anybody you know to do likewise.
Tag: Free traffic, Viral social bookmarking, friendly links , gathersucces
automatic blogging, atomic blogging
Something new coming your way on 19 June
or you can register free at this temporary e-mail
web graphics are optimized for Image search engines

I think this post is usefull for most of you
If your web graphics are optimized for Image search engines like Yahoo, Google or MSN, they can be a nice alternate source of traffic to your website. But unlike regular web search where we know how search engines rank content, the rules associated with Image search rankings are very different and often based on assumptions.
Why I say this ? Try a search for “Google” on Google Image Search. None of the top five results show images from the Google website. Now if you repeat the search for Firefox, no images are displayed from the official Mozilla or Spread Firefox website. Or look for iPod.
So how do individuals and small companies manage to stay ahead of corporate giants in Image search results ? It’s a combination of luck and some image optimization techniques like text surrounding the web graphics, image captions, etc.
I say luck because search engines are very secretive about their image search algorithms. Regarding optimization, here are a few simple things that you should keep in mind for getting good rankings in Google Images Search:
» Use a descriptive image filename - If your webpage has pictures of Bill Gates house - use filenames like bill-gates-house-party.jpg instead of the default camera file name like IMG_401.jpg
» Attach a 7-8 description with both the ALT and TITLE attributes of the IMG tag - Make it a habit to use these attributes. An example could be

» A short two line description of the image just beneath the graphic is the best way to describe an image. It can work wonders for your image search rankings as well. For an live example, read any news story on the BBC website or see the screenshot on your right.
» If possible, try to wrap text around your images using float.
» If you site design won’t allow wrapping text or if the image is large in size, try to place the images near text that describes the context of your image. If the image is of an Adobe Photoshop box, don’t place that image near the paragraph that describes Corel Photopaint.
» Web Images placed at the top of the page are more likely to appear in search results than the ones which are at the bottom. I have no proof to explain this but it’s just an observation.
» Web Photo Galleries which have no text descriptions can make use of the Title and Meta tags to insert information about the images.
» The HTML tags enclosing the image descriptions will also matter. A descriptions enclosed in H3 or Bold tag will have more weight than the one enclose in the Parapraph tag.
If you aware of any more tricks or suggestions, please drop a comment here.
Again, while good rankings in Image search engines can drive lot of new traffic, it can also shoot up your bandwidth bill as people may hotlink images hosted on your webserver. If hotlinking is your concern, look at some of these free image hosting websites.
I read this articles at
Google is tweaking the landing page

Jame will has details of a new announcement from the Google Adwords blog. It looks like Google is tweaking the landing page quality score algorithm in an effort to weed-out those advertisers trying to get cheap traffic to poorly designed landing pages.
It is suspected that those doing click arbitrage will likely be amongst the first to be affected, as many offer landing pages with nothing or little else other than Google or Yahoo ads. Click arbitrage involves buying inexpensive pay per click traffic, such as from Google AdWords. The advertiser then hopes that each visitor will hit the landing page and then click a higher-paying ad (often Google AdSense or Yahoo ContentMatch) to leave the page. As a result, many click arbitragers have either no content on the page other than the ads or just enough content to influence the AdSense ads.
Those affected by the new algorithm will see their minimum bid prices change.
Tag:.adwords, landing pages, click traffic, AdSense ads, cheap quality score
Image search, search rankings, getting good
Google Announces New Landing Page Standards for AdWords

jame will has details of a new announcement from the Google Adwords blog. It looks like Google is tweaking the landing page quality score algorithm in an effort to weed-out those advertisers trying to get cheap traffic to poorly designed landing pages.
It is suspected that those doing click arbitrage will likely be amongst the first to be affected, as many offer landing pages with nothing or little else other than Google or Yahoo ads. Click arbitrage involves buying inexpensive pay per click traffic, such as from Google AdWords. The advertiser then hopes that each visitor will hit the landing page and then click a higher-paying ad (often Google AdSense or Yahoo ContentMatch) to leave the page. As a result, many click arbitragers have either no content on the page other than the ads or just enough content to influence the AdSense ads.
Those affected by the new algorithm will see their minimum bid prices change.
Will ewen chia system work?

Will his system work for me ?.
In the pass few day my mail box was fill with people sending me review on Ewen chia and recommended me to take up the program , who is Ewen chia .
He is not new to me ,I met him in person at the world internet summit held in Singapore last month , did catch up with him a few word .I did posted a question to him about his programs and about the success rate of him student . In addition, the answer was all his program come with a 100% guarantee for 60 day refund. I like that so what risk I have if I order any of his system now.
I am thinking of getting a Ewen chia programs but not limited to the latest edition , you are welcome to promote any of Ewen chia program to me I will consider the members that read my blog first . just post the link in the comment box will do.
Tag:ewen chia,ewan chia, affiliate marketing, chia affiliates, secrets, Internet Marketing Guru, internet marketing tips from
First impressions

Many individuals or small business owners often opt to design and build their own websites. Without proper experience or website design background many mistakes are made. If you are a beginner then there are several things you should keep in mind to avoid before designing your website.
Here are several common mistakes which should be avoided when designing your new website.
1. Slow Loading Pages
Problem: Have you ever gone to a website and waited and waited for it to load?
Solution: Optimize your images at a lower resolution to achieve faster loading pages. Keep your page sizes well under 60 KB.
2. Page Layout
Problem: Websites that have the navigation in different places throughout the site. It looks cluttered and unprofessional.
Solution: Be consistent and be organized in your websites layout. Make sure all your web pages look the same and the websites navigation is in the same location on each page.
3. Wild and Crazy Color Schemes
Problem: Have you ever visited a website that has a background with a bright, neon color and can't read the content because the colors are so loud? What's the point?
Solution: Think "easy to read." Avoid dark backgrounds with light colored fonts. White background with black text is best for the general public.
4. Spelling and Grammar Errors
Problem: Spelling and grammar errors just jump off the page.
Solution: Always spell check.
5. Text on the Page
Problem: Most internet users don't read web pages - they scan them.
Solution: Make sure your page is easy to read. Break text into manageable pieces, use sub-headings, short paragraphs, highlighted keywords and bullet points.
6. Font Styles and Sizes
Problem: Serif fonts such as Times New Roman are more difficult to read on a computer monitor. Also, text that is too small or way too big are hard to read.
Solution: Use non-serif fonts such as Arial, Verdana or MS Sans Serif for web pages that will be read online. Your page will look much better, more professional, and will be much easier for your visitor to read.
7. Not Enough "White Space"
Problem: Too many words on a web page can be overwhelming.
Solution: Make your page easy to read by breaking the text into smaller, more manageable pieces. Also, use sub-headings and bullet points.
8. Cheesy Music that the User Cannot Control
Problem: Background music on a site that does not fit. Next, not being able to shut it off.
Solution: If you think you need to use music on your website for some reason, then make sure you offer your visitors the option to turn it off, or on, quickly and easily.
9. Poor Layout and Design
Problem: Have you ever been to a website that is simply just "too much"? It's like they are trying to fill every available pixel of space on the entire page.
Solution: Don't overdo it when designing your pages. Just because you can add something doesn't mean you have to. Leave plenty of white space between your text and images.
10. Overly Long Pages
Problem: Ever been to a website with a page that just scrolls down forever?
Solution: Most people will never scan down to the bottom of really long pages. It's better to have several short pages vs. a few really long pages.
11. Non-Standard Links
Problem: You go to a website and aren't sure which words are really links because the link colors have been changed.
Solution: Don't confuse your users. Keep the link colors as they are.
12. Under Construction signs
Problem: Have you ever been to a website and found a page with no content of any type but a big "Under Construction" sign instead?
Solution: Don't use "Under Construction" signs on your website.
13. Didn't Test Your Web Site
Problem: Ever been to a website that just looks like a mess? Maybe you saw text overlapping images, weird alignment, etc.
Solution: Always check to see what your site looks like in multiple browsers and change accordingly before uploading your site to the web.
14. Unclear Navigation
Problem: You don't enjoy broken links, error pages or too many moving objects - neither do your websites visitors. If navigation is too difficult to follow, visitors won't return.
Solution: Make sure that your navigation is easy to read, find and to follow. Also, make sure that it is in the same spot on all of your websites pages.
15. Sloppy Web Site Copy
Problem: Have you ever visited a website with missing words, bad grammar, or it just didn't make sense?
Solution: Always remember, "Content is King" on the internet, so make sure there is plenty of good, focused information for your visitors.
16. Never Updating Your Site
Problem: Ever go to a website that hasn't been changed at all over the last few times that you've visited it?
Solution: You should always update the content on your site frequently.
17. Too Many Clicks
Problem: Have you ever gone to a website, found something you're interested in checking out, and then had to click, click, click before you found the item you were looking for (if you didn't give up first)?
Solution: Don't test the patience of your visitors. Make sure that everything can be found on your site within 3 clicks or less.
18. No Privacy Policy
Problem: No Privacy Policy page is listed on a website.
Solution: Post a Privacy Policy on your website. Make sure that your customers know that you will not share their addresses with anyone.
19. No Company Contact Information
Problem: A company with no address or contact information is not one you necessarily want to give your money to.
Solution: Email addresses or phone numbers are most often seen as contact information on websites, however, having a physical mailing address on your web site adds another key credibility factor.
20. Using Free Web Hosting
Problem: You visit a web page that has a name so long you'll never remember it because it is from one of those free website hosts.
Solution: If you want your internet business to be taken seriously avoid using free web hosting. This all adds to the issue of credibility.
21. Using Free E-mail Addresses
Problem: You visit a website and try to send an email to them, however the email addresses are not associated with the domain name.
Solution: Using a free email address, such as Hotmail, Yahoo or Gmail, is never appropriate for your website. On your website, always use an email addresses associated with your own business domain name.
22. Advertisements
Problem: You've come to a website where the pages are cluttered with a lot of different advertisements.
Solution: A lot of people are using advertisements to earn extra money. That's fine, just don't overdo it.
23. Bad Images
Problem: How many times have you seen a web page with missing graphics files or misshaped images?
Solution: Always optimize your images and use the height and width attributes of the image tag. Additionally, save the files in the right image formats: JPG for Photographs and GIF for artwork.
24. This Website Best Viewed on .....
Problem: This is often seen on many beginner websites.
Solution: Simply don't use this on your website.
25. No Prices
Problem: Websites that don't have product prices listed clearly.
Solution: If you're selling a product on your website, ALWAYS include a price with the item description.
And here's a list of things that you should just avoid, or should not forget, simply because it's the right thing to do, website design-wise. And here they are:
Frames, Hit counters, Orphan pages, Anything "Cutesy", Pop ups, Fancy Fonts, Don't overuse Flash, Avoid Javascript links, Blinking text , Animated GIFs, Missing Meta Tags, Horizontal (sideways) Scrolling, Don't underline or color normal text, Don't forget functional links on your footer, Don't forget about your Marketing Strategies, Don't forget to include anchor text on your links, Never subscribe a visitor for anything without his consent, Don't leave the home page title as "Welcome to", Avoid using all the "Bells And Whistles" simply because you can, Not Taking Advantage of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on your website
Whether you have created your own website or are working with someone else on creating your website, I hope all these ideas above will help you build a better website that steadily attracts visitors. If you've never built a website on your own, I hope the tips above help you design the best site that you can and help you to avoid all these issues in the future. Knowledge is critical.
Tag:small business, Slow Loading Pages, Using Free Web Hosting, E-mail Addresses, Clicks, Spelling and Grammar Errors
Lower blood pressure with neck alignment

By Terri Yablonsky StatSpecial to the TribunePublished May 8, 2007
A one-time chiropractic adjustment of a misaligned neck vertebra has been shown to significantly reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension, according to a pilot study by University of Chicago researchers.When the vertebra, known as the Atlas, or C1, was manipulated in 25 people with high blood pressure, both their systolic and diastolic readings decreased significantly, equal to taking two blood-pressure dHigh blood pressure, or hypertension, is defined in an adult as a systolic pressure of 140 or higher and/or a diastolic pressure of 90 or higher.
Another Reason Not to Eat Farmed Fish

And, like previous incidents involving pets, melamine was added to the Canadian-made fish feed (wheat flour) to deceive fish farms into believing it contained higher amounts of protein than it really did.
Once again, Dr. David Acheson, the FDA's newly appointed "food protection czar," attempted to tone down all the worry about melamine, speculating the level of melamine is "expected" to be too low to pose any danger to human health. Just the same, fish samples are now being screened for melamine, just in case. So, that report about Asian fish farms using chicken feces for food doesn't seem so far-fetched after all...
Without exposure to toxins, not to mention mercury, fish would be a near-perfect source for the omega-3 fats your body needs. You can get the same nutritional benefits -- without the toxins -- by taking a high-quality fish oil daily, like Omega 3-6-9 from Nutronix.
Diet and Exercise Keep The Invisible Fat Off Too

Diet and Exercise Keep The Invisible Fat Off Too
The internal fat surrounding organs like the heart that are largely unnoticeable may be just as deadly to your health as the fat you can see collecting, for example, around a patient's belly, according to a study funded by the UK's Medical Research Council.
Scientists came to that alarming conclusion after scanning some 800 male and female patients with MRI machines that plotted internal fat maps. I'm not surprised to learn both male (60 percent) and female (45 percent) patients with what conventional health experts would consider to be healthy BMIs carried around excessive amounts of body fat.
What's more, patients who kept a lid of their weight solely by dieting were more likely to carry around a major amount of unhealthy, internal fat too, just more evidence there are no shortcuts when it comes to losing weight and maintaining your optimal health.
Even conventional doctors are beginning to understand that a nutritious diet along with the right amount of exercise go hand-in-hand in building and maintaining a patient's optimal health.
And, eating the food your body burns best, according to its unique metabolic type, and maintaining a prescribed exercise program will do wonders to get your there.
Don't Trick The Google Ad Click

Don't Trick The Google Ad Click
The many ways webmasters can arrange their site elements could lead them to drop their AdSense units in inappropriate places. When there is a chance something could overlap the AdSense unit, people may click on the ad without meaning to do so.
It's something Google looks for in its continuing analysis of ad clicks. Accidental clicks can cost an advertiser money if they aren't sorted out of the legitimate clicks.
Google's AdSense blog addressed this recently, and gave examples of elements that should not have ad units placed too near to them: In close proximity to Macromedia Flash games Under pop-ups or download prompts
Near site navigation controls on your pages, such as drop-downs or menu links
Putting AdSense units too near these elements may make Google's mechanisms think they have been placed intentionally, in order to grab a few accidental clicks and boost the site's ad revenue. It's against Google's policies and could get a site punished for doing so.
In turn, publishers have been asking for clarification of AdSense placement. As a rule, they are encouraged to have their ad units integrated in a way that allows them to attract relevant ads based on the site's content.
A follow-up post from Google on this placement with regards to optimizing ads showed examples of acceptable and unacceptable implementations.
"You can understand that increasing the possibility of accidental clicks on your sites is not in the best interest of users or advertisers, and we wanted to make you aware of this risk," Mike Deeringer from AdSense Publisher Support wrote.
"This is why we ask that you maintain sufficient distance between your ads and any elements of your page on which users may often click."
The advice also comes across as a reminder that Google is watching for sites generating a lot of accidental clicks through their navigation or other element placement. It's likely that some people have realized the benefit of accidental clicks, forcing Google to give this subtle reminder about doing AdSense the right way.
Technorati tag ,google, webmasters,Google AdSense,Placing Google AdSense,Google AdSense click
I use this tool to bring in traffic is a blog directory I’ve been with for some time. I’ve always enjoyed the amount of traffic they’ve brought me, and I love the daily traffic reports they send me through email. Blogskinny brings a unique touch to directories - but now, they’re a billion times better!
A couple days ago I got an email telling me Blogskinny had composed a new list of directories. As I type, it currently lists 177 directories, and it’s constantly growing. Once again, they bring an unbelievably unique touch to this list.
First, you should register your blog with Blogskinny. Your blog will get decent exposure and a fair amount of traffic. After you’re all signed up, you can put up the “vote for me” button on your blog (look to the sidebar to see mine). Then, you can check out the whole list of directories and everytime you view a new directory, Blogskinny will save which ones you’ve seen already and which ones you haven’t. This is SO handy, because a lot of the time I forget!
And when you suggest a new directory that Blogskinny doesn’t have, you get 1,000 free impressions (views for people to see your blog). And there are countless other ways to get free impression credits, and I’m definitely going to try and take use of all of them!
This list of directories is the best I’ve seen. I get my blog more exposure while earning impressions on Blogskinny for even MORE exposure. It’s completely brilliant! So check out the blog directory listings today.
Stop nighttime coughing
I Just happened to tune in A.M. Radio and picked up this guy talking about why cough medicines in kids often do more harm than good due to the chemical makeup of these strong drugs so, I listened. It was a surprising finding and found to be more effective than prescribed medicines for children at bedtime, and in addition, it has a soothing and calming effect on sick children who then went on to sleep soundly .
Lolly tried it on herself when she had a very deep constant and persistent cough a few weeks ago and it worked 100%! She said that it felt like a warm blanket had enveloped her. Her coughing stopped in a few minutes and believe me, this was a deep,( incredibly annoying!) every few seconds uncontrollable cough, and she slept cough free for hours every night that she used it. So, if you have children, pass it on, if you end up sick, try it yourself and you will be absolutely amazed by the effect
Tag:slept cough , coughing ,makeup ,cough medicines,scientists
How to create banner for free
Do you need to build a banner for Free ,banner is a good way to promote and share idea out more easy than typing word , many forum do allow members to post a banner which the program they joined , I do use banner to advertise at many forum or blog, it show good result or positive result, you can go check out it free, i have just created three here . Please share it out to members that needed it for their promotion .
If possible please share with my link with it :) click the banner or word to see the result if you need the url link to the below type of banner just post a comment here I will share the link with you have fun .
tag:banner ,free ,create banner,banner advetisment
Link out for pagerank
Tag: traffic, tagging, blog marketing, blog promotion, successful blog Link exchange, traffic